History of Miami Beach, part 1 of 2: The development and expansion

Miami Beach real estate today is synonymous with glitz, glamor and style of life ultimately chic. However, it is not always so luxurious. From his time as arable land, to his time as a retirement community in ruins, the ongoing transformation into a cultural and entertainment capital of the world, Miami Beach over the years has seen its share of change.

The history of Miami Beach began in 1870 when Henry and Charles Lum landed on a beautiful stretch of land andhatched a plan to make the island into a coconut plantation. They paid $ 0.25 hectares to the federal government for 165 hectares, which is now known as South Beach (named after the daughter of Lum Taylor). For those of you who are searching, that is $ 41.25 in 1870 for what today some of the most expensive real estate in the country. The first house in Miami Beach in 1886 by Charles Lum, who built the plantation of its private beach monitored. Perhaps the Lums were a little 'relaxedon the beach, because it ultimately failed in their efforts, and in 1894 the Lum left South Beach. The country was John Collins, who used the land passed back into farmland. Collins has also found new sources of water, further increasing the potential of the country.

Two new players came on the scene in 1912 when the brothers Miami Beach Lummus decided to look into their business was already in Miami, when they bought acres of land in South Beach 400,John Collins, with the intention of their own homes picturesque seaside town.

In 1913, John Collins has undertaken a major project: building a bridge to the mainland from Miami Beach to Miami for the connection. Even with major investments have been residents of money and Collins could not finish the bridge. Enter millionaire businessman and land developer Carl Fisher, is the subject (South Beach Development) and had the money ($ 50,000) that Collins needed. FisherCollins borrowed the money and the Collins Bridge was completed in June of that year. The Collins Bridge was the longest wooden bridge in the world when it was built. Later he would be replaced by the Venetian Causeway.

The cornerstone of Miami Beach together, but the development of the city was unintentionally hampered by visionaries in competition with each other. If the city wants to be successful, Fisher, Collins and Lummus brothers to cause aUnderstanding.

While the area was growing rapidly at the beginning of the 20th Century, the leading developer working in opposition to each other. Finally, the developers realized that they could achieve more together, and in 1915 the Lummus brothers joined forces and interests with John Collins and Carl Fisher beach, taking in the city of Miami. Until 1920 the area was booming and the population has grown, supported by the completion of the County Causeway (which would berenamed the MacArthur Causeway in 1942). In 1926 a hurricane struck the island to destroy much of the infrastructure early. After rebuilding Designer decided, a piece of Europe to Miami to lead the bank and the city developed the new ultra-chic "modern" (for the time), Art-Deco Streamline architecture. This was the height of fashion in Paris. The 1920s also saw the influx of wealthy businessmen moved to the beach as Rockwell Lagorce, JC Penny, and HarveyFirestone.

In 1929, the stock market crash of the United States launched the Great Depression. Dedicated to investors looking for a way to make a profit at a time that was difficult, many turned to new opportunities in Miami Beach. investment groups, particularly the Northeast, has begun construction of a series of small boutique hotels up and down Ocean Drive and Collins Avenue, the main transit routes for South Beach. Finally, this section of the Art Deco District. During '1930 further development on the beach and further developed, such as Miami Beach has always been a city suitable for the rich and famous.

On December 7, 1941 Japan attacked the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. So what has to do with the Miami Beach, I'm sure, you ask? After all, Miami Beach is located thousands of miles from Hawaii. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor the Army Air Corps took to the island of Miami Beach and turned it intoa training center for soldiers. Many of these soldiers reminds Paradise Island and visit in the future.

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