The double dream Mani phenomenon YouTube

The Internet has changed the topography of the media. Now, a story about YouTube or a blog or social media outlet breaking a story and become important in the traditional media. I've seen online are growing phenomena, but this was before the first experience I could out of the amount of video will be able to go viral online.

The video Double Dream hands with John Jacobson has put in a big way. Recently Ellen video presented their TV show.In a segment is pretty funny Ellen dancing there with John. (Link). But even before the video segment from John Ellen show the children how to do Hands Double Dream Dance explosion had online. Video added to YouTube over half a million views away. This phenomenon was certainly unexpected. John had the first of other similar videos, posted, but an agreement.

We're not talking about a flash in the pan, or someone who has made a video just takenDiscount on YouTube, John Jacobson is the real deal. He is a star in preschool, middle school students and music teachers around the world. A respected composer, choreographer, teacher and performer. John is the Senior Co-author of two months and John Jacobson's Music Express Magazine, produced and published by Hal Leonard Corporation, the publication reaches more than 3.5 million students a year. And 'other books and author of "In the chorus, Place." His originalThe recordings are the favorites of children, parents and thousands of educators around the country to carry out its music shows and festivals as part of the curriculum.

John has directed hundreds of music festivals in major ensembles in his association with Walt Disney Productions and directed productions with thousands of young singers, including national broadcast of NBC Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, presidential inaugurations and more. He is also recognized internationally as a creative andmotivational speaker for teachers and students involved in choral music education.

In a sense it could be that John Glee Glee was before there was. He is an educator, author, composer and choreographer. Its mission is to transform the life of a child through dance and music. John is also the founder and honorary president of America Sings! Inc., a nonprofit organization, the young artists of their time and talents to serve the community promotes the use. As Ipreviously, this guy is the real deal.

But with all this work behind him, is the Double Dream Hands video that leads him to national prominence. As John, who knew? Her next question was whether after all his work, it would be Double Dream hands, who wanted to be known? The answer is no, John is known for his work. But this one's online viral phenomenon provides an excellent opportunity for the public in the media. It has also leadnew opportunities in their own way. This is a case where a video goes viral and created a media story. Because the video is gone, talk shows, late night shows, print publications and other media interested in covering him and his video. E 'organic state and it was true. John is not fake, he is to teach children how to do this dance in the video. This is what is interesting Sun

So what PR or media, we can take from this story? I am not suggesting that you go anddeliberately try to create their own Dream phenomena hands twice, but you can from it, how powerful a story or a video gains traction in the Internet can learn. They want to be aware and be careful how you place the information and online reservations. An online video, blogs or social media company can also history of traditional media. Although it can not be seen to be on Ellen or Oprah, could local or regional media interest. Remember, socialNow media affect the traditional media. You never know what's going to attract their attention.

Copyright © Anthony Mora 2011

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