I can not help but some people seem to need is not no fun. I mean, I know that sometimes you have to be all serious and get to work but Jeez, this can be fun. And the truth is for the economy, the more fun you have it, the more effective you are at it.

Fun is one of those things that is completely free, and really do not even have to because they work. Another really nice thing is that it is always where you are. Wherever you go, the funis right there with you. Maybe not always immediately visible, but right there just below the surface, it is. Sometimes you just set the view to see a bit '.

I think the thing that makes it appear to some as unrealistic, is that you need to do to select it. Only fun leans his head above the surface active when invoked to do so. E 'state of mind. One of those things that can be induced or to be deleted.

I am reminded of a story here:

TwoBrothers went to ride ponies on their uncle's ranch, but first the uncle insisted that they shovel a large pile of manure from a stall. One brother hated the project, and growled his way through a few balls in half. The other brother was laughing and singing and shoveling with abandon. "What are you so happy?" asked the first brother. "Well," said the second brother, "with all this shit, there must be a pony here somewhere!"

The second brother arrives. Life'sthe same way. Even while shoveling manure, which can be combined with a full life, so you can focus on what the other side of the stack you have, and opens the way to have fun while at it.

This week, like last weeks and days and weeks that follow, you will find yourself in situations where you have a choice. Do you want to do this and be miserable all the time I do it, or the pony racing on the other side of the task at hand and focusedand really have fun with it.

I invite you to join the ranks of those of us that our party will lead us where we are going to join. So, no matter where you where a party is in progress. Another positive side effect is that fun is contagious. The most fun here, the more fun for everyone around you. How many people do you know who has more fun in your life when you must stand. They have so much fun to stand in line trying to return some. I will say this and risk-takingnot many. I do not even have so much fun! (I'm working on, though.)

Make it a goal this week to see how much fun you can, no matter what you do produce. You'll probably be surprised at yourself.

Thanks for stopping in

Live some. Love some. Read a few. Every day.

C. ..

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