8 Bit Chiptune Synth Reason Tutorial

In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in the old school was, sounds 8-bit style video game music is in the "chiptune" as a different style and sound in general, dance and indie music. In this tutorial, I basically show you how to emulate this type of sound found in the Thor synth fourth reason

The two main elements, we will use to emulate the sound of chiptune

1. Very fast pace arpeggiation

2. Thin-bit reduction / clipping

Ok, so werequire a gate click, then right on your rack and create. Now select a style analog oscillator OSC and a square wave. Select a low pass filter (24dB type 1) for the filter to set a frequency about half way (850 Hz or so) and the response to zero. Adjust the amount of the budget for the filter of about 100 The next thing we need is some digital artifacts to the signal chain to add, do it by the designer set to "Hard Clip" and determine the amount ofabout 20

Set the following parameters on the envelope filter. A = 0, D = 4.3 seconds, S = -35 dB, R = 3.5 seconds. And then the following settings on the envelope amplifier. A = 0, D = 4.3 seconds, S = -10 dB, R = 1 second.

We will work with LFO 1 and 2 to simulate arpeggiation this patch in the first set, both LFO 1 & 2 for the square wave form and the time halfway (2.40 Hz), this may seem a bit 'slow, but There is a reason why the realized soon.

L 'So, what we do is to use the modulation matrix, LFO 1 & 2, is to send an oscillator's pitch. We do this by the first LFO modulation source = 1, the amount of about 80% and the goal of Osc 1 Pitch. Now we set the second LFO modulation source = 2, the amount of about 50% and again at the destination to Osc 1 Pitch. The actual sound you have, while some 'interesting, not the 8-bit chiptune sound for real.

But wait a minute I did not sayslightly earlier than the acceleration of the LFO? Yes, yes, now we have some more maps in the modulation matrix to do. Ok, then set the third source of modulation = Modifiers, Rotary 1, the amount to 100% and the target rate to 1, LFO of the fourth (and final for this patch) modulation source = Modifiers, Rotary 2, the amount of 100% and the target rate of LFO 2.

Now, with the two knobs for the crazy during the game, and you should be able to provide a plurality ofdifferent style 8-bit sounds crazy just optimizing the two buttons.

Obviously you can experiment with other oscillators extra, different types of oscillator, the addition of a Scream 4 "bit reduction" out of the door, and so on set up, but as always I leave you a little something to make you want to play. It is time to move on and experiment.


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