May God be the judge

How can we love our neighbor if we judge our neighbor? Why must we judge our neighbors, colleagues and fellow Christians? Who are we to judge the heart of another human being? Why insist that opinions about what blind and erroneous verdict, even if it is justified? I'll tell you why. If we can pull someone will surely build on us?

Jesus said in particular: "Do not judge." Matthew 7:1 says do not judge or you too will be judged. Jesus teaches us to examine ourBehavior and about their lives, rather than a verdict on others. But they were so busy looking over the fence damn what others are doing, we do not have time to notice our faults. I know it's just the way someone does things seem different judge, e. Now is really the wrong way, just because it's different then your path? And even if it's wrong, who are you?

Matthew 07:03 ~ Why do you see the speck that is in thy brother, to see and do not pay attention toPlank in your eye? We had all the cards in our eyes. The Plank thinks people God wants us to be demanding. Our mistake is that we live to our potential in life. God is really like and I will do what we can be. Not so religious, but in the spiritual journey.

If ever there was a time for the decision of another individual should be a Christian brother, another love for each other, and not to promote the car. RelevanceVerdict would be negative rather than demanding better. Can you tell the difference between what is right and wrong, but as what seems right or wrong? I suggest, if the habit of judging others do, especially our Christian brothers that you need to do it with a sharp eye and perception. What happens when you are wrong in the assessment of your brothers and sisters? What then? You know his heart?

For example, do not have some people who profess the Christian spirit ofChrist in them. While others who do not even go to church, Christ's love wrapped his inner being. Of course, the man who does not go to church, the man who will be judged. But the man of being a Christian does not even know Jesus confesses! Where is the intuition?

~ Romans 14:13-18 Let us therefore stop ruling over another. Instead, make your pictures on any hindrance or obstacle in your path lay brother. As someone who in the Lord Jesus, I amfully convinced that no food is unclean in itself. But if someone something as unclean, then for him it is unclean. If your brother is in despair because of what you eat, no longer operate in love. It can destroy your food to your brother died for Christ. You do not have what you consider good to be evil spoken. For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating or drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit to those who serve Christ in this wayPleasing to God and of men.

Biblically speaking, we know that we can not judge the heart of another, yet we still do. Secular comes to know that we need to assess, because it is a cruel thing to do, and we do. I would say that Christians are inclined to judge others rather than the other non-Christians, simply because moral factor in non-see their eyes, blinding the good in an ironic twist of fate, not just those who professChristians, that the benefits of the principles of Christ, but the principles have been much in the style of Christian life is not implemented. It is not a religion, is a way of life.

If we Christians believe ourselves to be as innocent as not to judge our actions with the law. But as Christians we are in fact not be a good example? I do not think that the Christian representation comes off too well. Too many cards, and not loving enough. No wonder outsiders to assessChristian is as often as possible.

When I say, my socks are red, but they are blue, what can I say, people? I'm certainly a lot of bad publicity from many different people, right? I will come as a liar. People judge my character, and probably will not believe what I say. In other words, if a Christian says that wearing red socks, it would be better with the red socks! Being what they say about you!

Yes yes we need clarity, and are not aOf course not, otherwise it will be resolved as two sides and false. And we do not. How to make a definitive yes and no? We are what we are talking about! Christians have this error when it comes to them, as too much, but never did. Let's do something first, then we can talk. It 's so simple.

We walk with Jesus, not Jesus is a constant spiritual low, go on forever until we depart from this world into heavenlyParadise. There is no vacancy left holy-than-thou, because when we go to Jesus, we become the wrong example. But in reality, if we choose to eat deviled eggs Humble Pie, we recognize that we make mistakes like everyone else.

If we go with Jesus, do not be turned into a religious crusade policy. The martyrs and they did that already. The fact is, Jesus Christ has not been brought into the world to bring the religious rebellion,dissent, secular and worldly disorder and chaos among the people. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happens. religious philosophy fills the people with deviled eggs, and the world is falling apart on it. Do not let the religion of our authority, but can walk the spiritual journey with Jesus One way to do this is to learn to love as Jesus loved. The other things are not worth a hill of beans to Jesus

The bottom line is, as Christians, we should be more interested inown budget before anyone else in the family. Take the plank from our eye, and then we can see clearly to take the sawdust out of our neighbor's eye. In this way we can get honestly what we are talking about and have a greater sense of religious and spiritual issues that effect us and our neighbors in this world.

Our house (our life and marriage, Matthew 7.24) can withstand the storms of life only if we know what is right instead of talking about it. Jesusexposed to people who sounded religious but had no personal relationship with him. For "this day" the Day of Judgement is only our relationship with Jesus Christ matters. Our acceptance of Jesus Christ and our obedience to his principles, no matter in our lives today. It 'the most important aspect of our Christian walk!

~ Luke 18:9-14 To some, faith in their own righteousness and looked down were all the others, Jesus told this parable: "Two men went to pray, one aPharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed about himself: God, I thank you that I am not as other men .-- robbers, evildoers, adulterers - or even as the tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of everything I do. But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even be in heaven, but beat his breast and said, "God be merciful to me a sinner." I tell you that this man, but like the other, went home justified before God all those whoexalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.


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