Tips for your new puppy housebreaking

The sweet balls of fur that led you to fill the budget right at home with joy, and a few more yellow stains on the carpet. There are some ways to keep the puppy is happy, happy house break your puppy and the house clean.

One of the first method is the method in-house, which is good to put your life in an apartment complex, your cards in an area that is easy to clean, the bathrooms are the simplest. Or you can buypretreated pads that are scented with a chemical that puppy is put to use. When you walk out your puppy to see a "pre-potty pattern", and sniff the ground, take it and take it on paper or pad. Tell him to go potty gently, and after them, praise them.

This method will come out with the method, which is marked all over themselves and the observation of "pre-potty pattern" is used. They age, start it externallywith a keyword "external". Make it easy on them. Take them out, let it sniff around, and encourage them with the word "potty." You will remember saying pot is good, as with the papers / pad, and will in the end. After they go, praise them for being so good puppy.

Then use the method outside of a routine. After feeding, after the game and after sleep. These are the three most important moments is a puppy. You can also get excited and urinate excessively fromAccident. Do not scold them for always too excited, instead of cleaning up and bring them to the papers / pad or outside and politely say, "potty".

If your going to be gone for a long time, I recommend a big box at the checkpoint of a puppy in a room with papers / pad. are setting the big box in the usual room, for helping break in, put a blanket on one side of the box and papers / pads on the opposite side. Do not forget a bowl with water andFood. Why do they use now for the cards / pads, they will go in this area of the window, if necessary, to go potty. Praise them when you return, if you have used, if not used them, immediately take.

Within a few months, they are trained, accidents may occasionally occur, but do not shout or push their little faces in it, it happens. Tell him no and take him out with the word "potty"

Two important rules are important for the intrusion andmust always be carried out:

If I do not see the puppy to add, then please do not punish him, he must understand, in fact, what he has done wrong to be captured.

Praise the dog when it all goes well. Let this situation, if "No" they say, if they are caught in the middle of using the wrong neighborhood. Move into the area / method to use, and carefully say, "trivial"

Now go and enjoy your new bundle of fur.

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