My favorite film director

The opinions of film fans can vary from person to person, which is the greatest film director of all time. There's a lot of James Ford of Western moviegoers. In addition to the tension is Alfred Hitchcock movie fans the largest, but also science fiction fan films, perhaps the biggest George Lucas. For the other George Cukor, the best, the film might fan art Akira Kurosawa or Bergman Ingmaar the greatest.

All these leaders were only one or two limitedVariety. Furthermore, none of the other directors, has the power in the TV series ventured significantly.

Steven Spielberg has included the work of all kinds of movies, fiction, adventure, war, horror, comedy and TV series. Consider his film series Indiana Jones, who created the series of four films at the box office record in his time, was considered innovative and film artists are great to boot. The series was deservedly votedamong the top five action movies of all time.

His first adventure was directed as Jaws, the movie based on a best-selling novel by Peter Benchley was a classic horror story and broke the record for box office when it was published, but also films made "a great number of imitators who wanted spending for the theme of the original film.

His film Jurassic Park, "which was then used newly developed digital technology to produce digital rs dinosaurs, the wayLatest film of its time and broke all records when it was released. Since then, another film in the series have done respectable business.

He also directed Saving Private Ryan, which was chosen as the best war films, adding another jewel to its cap.It has deservedly won numerous awards, and has excellent performance by Tom Hanks and Matt Dillon. His television series Band of Brothers is based on the Second World War and is another outstanding contribution to the world ofEntertainment by the great director.

His film, Schindler's Ark, which won an Oscar, is also another great movie with the theme of Jewish persecution by the Nazis and their subsequent release of Oscar Schindler, a German indusrialist.

His film, Monaco of Bavaria on the basis of Israeli retaliation for the massacre of Israeli athletes at Monaco by Arab terrorists explores themes of revenge, forgiveness, compassion for his enemies, and became his thinkingFilms.

His film The Color Purple black experience in America is one of the best films of all time, it is inexplicable why it is not rewarded with an Oscar.

He also made a contribution to the science fiction genre with his film ET, has been chosen as one of the best children's film. But his movie Minority Report is the latest sci-fi movies, old and established as a celebrated science fiction epic in size. His other films that explorehuman condition, they also had a great contribution to world cinema. His TV series, the winner explores the theme of alien abduction has also won many admirers.

E 'so that, in light of his voluminous and quality of contributions to almost all types of film, in my humble opinion, deserves to be considered the greatest director.


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