Music Online Glossary - When Music, Music Careers and PCs Collide

Internet should be positioned where the music can be discovered, examined, discussed, shared and purchased. Musicians know this and their use to download music online and are part of the machine the process of world music. They arrive on site, at any age, any experience level - musically and computer savvy. Young people starting to learn to experienced musicians only when the computer is turned on, the operation of a computer to be overwhelming with allotherwise they should go in their lives.

The Web also allows musicians access to musical knowledge. The artists will be on the difficult terminology and phrases that come to understand them. Summarized in the music business mini-glossary, digital, organizations, record biz lingo, computer terms and basic need-to-know info. Hopefully something listed here will help you a bit of music online, a simple, and so you know, the glossary is an excerpt from a long list foundon Artistopia.

A & R - Artist and Repertoire, also known as a talent scout on a label whose responsibilities include the selection, recruitment and development of music artist, bands and / or songwriter.

Affiliate Program - a possibility that the income as you earn on your site to a different page, depending on the action on behalf of the visitors.

ASCAP - American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers and distributes royalties for licensing copyrighted works of its members'.

Bandwidth - hasnothing to do with the size of a band, but it is a measure of the amount of information (data) that are sent over a network connection at any given time. Bandwidth is usually measured in bits per second.

Bit Rate - The number of kilobits per second of data in the audio file. The bit rate when you create an MP3 file determines the size and quality of the resulting MP3. The most common bit rate is 320 kbit / s, and the higher the bit rate, the more codingto the original source of the music.

Blanket License - allows the user to one or all of which provide, in whole or in part, the songs on the ASCAP repertory. That a license warm and welcoming.

Business Manager - an artist or a band manager who has specialized in financial matters, including planning, investment, income, taxes and contracts.

Buzz - people talking about a new artist, band, song or album to create intense emotions and / or items.

The clause - a chubby boy in aClaus is dressed in red, in a record deal, could be a few, specific limitations or amendments, which provide the final result of this agreement.

Tour operators - with duties including ticketing, public relations, marketing and booking agency or agent in charge of concert events are promotional.

Content - to have the search engine pages happy and rank in a search result, a sufficient amount of well written text alignment on the page and the keyword themeregularly Steak and potatoes is a webmaster updated.

Cookies - no, not chocolate, but a piece of software that keeps records about your visit to a website, so information, requests to the server.

Copyright - a set of exclusive rights regulating the use of a particular expression of an idea or information, in our case, the artistic qualities, the songs and sound recordings.

Derivative Work - a new facility or from one or more previous basework.

Digital Licensing - the use of copyrighted music tracks including downloads, streaming on demand, a limited application downloads and burning CDs.

Sales - the agency or his representative, that the sale and shipment of processed music (records, CDs), replaced on the market or in fact the product to the consumer.

Domain Name - a guide on the internet has a unique name that identifies an Internet site.

DRM - Digital Rights Management is a technology that protects aPiece of intellectual property such as digital music, video or text files.

Encryption - the process of converting audio or a compressed format like MP3 or WMA.

Exclusive rights - protected by copyright, privileges, which has only one owner of copyright in relation to the copyrighted work.

Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) - a file format for compressing audio data, the information is not removed from the audio stream as MP3, AAC, OGG Vorbis and do.

Grammy Awards - aAwards for all kinds of the Recording Academy for outstanding performance presented in the music industry: a megaphone for the gold coat.

Groupie - what it means to be an act without groupies? Too excited to provide fans with much love.

HTML - HyperText Markup Language, a programming language for the World Wide Web A web browser interprets the code written, and displays it on a Web page and Web sites. Some basic HTML knowledge can certainly helpLocations.

Hook - a pirate, a musical movement, a passage, an idea - something (catchy and / or repetitive), which makes them more attractive and enhance the song and remembered.

Hype - sensational and extreme promotion of an idea person, or a product.

India - an independent artist or group who tries to do-it-all affiliated with you and / or inconsistent with a major label.

Intern - usually a business student at a record company in a non-or low-paid, more than oneApprenticeship learning the ropes and wins business experience.

Internet Service Provider (ISP) - and as your computer or network connects to the Internet, via modem, DSL, cable, T1 or T3.

Master Recording License - refers to the recording of a performance itself, which are mostly controlled by the record.

Mastering - the final stage and preparation in a myriad of weapons of mass destruction play in the consistency of audio levels and qualityPerfection.

Mechanical license - the use of copyrighted musical compositions for use on CDs, cassettes, vinyl records.

Music Contracts - all the fragments of documents used in the music world, always read the "fine print" contracts for many - the recording, management, brokerage, contracts for general release. If the contracts to come - time to get a lawyer and culture.

Music Industry - all the things in their context and in relation to the business of music, dominated by the BigFour majors: Sony BMG, Warner, Universal and EMI.

publishers of music - offers services such as marketing, pitching and promotion of works written by songwriters. Offer with the commercial exploitation of music and song catalogs.

Press - aka media kit, a pre-configured set of promotional material for an artist or band music for distribution, including audio samples, bio, historical information, photos and contact information.

Producer - Duties include: control of the registrationConference organized management of the artist (s), coaching, scheduling of production resources and budgets, and monitor the process of recording, mixing and mastering.

Publishing royalties - payments made to the writer of a song.

RIAA - Recording Industry Association of America, the organization that represents the interests of record companies and the United States.

Ripping - the means to make an audio CD and a recording of a computer in an uncompressed format (WAV).digital audio extraction of a medium to form a disk.

Road - the road crew on the move with a band on tour. These hardworking people do everything but the benefits are engineers who want to set up and record, security, bodyguards, pyrotechnics and lights.

Sampling rate - the number of samples per second, where the digitization of clay. The higher the number, the better the quality of digital reproduction.

SoundExchange - an independent, non-profitPRS collects and distributes royalties for digital artists and record labels when their sound recordings made on digital cable, satellite TV, radio, Internet and satellite radio are.

Sound recording - the copyright of that recording (which is heard throughout the production) to the copyright of the (words and music by the composer or publisher) songs is a distinction.

Synchronization license - also known as license "Synch"allows the user to play a musical composition "in connection with" or "in temporal association with" a visual image, film, video, commercial - music by the copyright owner.

Talent Agent - or agency, representatives from the music artist (s), the live performance.

Vanity Label - a celebrity artist is a label in a label specification and runs under the umbrella of the parent brand.


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