If you can not find inner peace Peace Without Select

I met a friend at the gym last week. Originally from Switzerland, lives in Los Angeles for 20 years. Ten years ago he and his partner bought a nice house that is located on a cul-de-sac in West Hollywood Hills, where many enjoy a pristine, quiet life. He lives in a house of so many people would have the courage not to open a home because they know they could not afford. I would go so far as to say, he lives a privileged life. So I was ratherbeaten if they showed during our brief conversation, my friend, who leave the choice to Los Angeles

He always had a very passionate person to express his love and gratitude for life in Los Angeles had been. So, I asked: "What made you decide to sell your home beautiful and moving?" His answer was a surprise .. "This city has become so hectic and chaotic, I used to be able to relax here, I used the peace really do not know I've never been able to relax in Los Angeles ..long time. "

His statement gave me reason to pause, and also gave me food for food for thought. There have been times when I also shared his feelings about life in Los Angeles. It 's easy to get caught up in the idea that your environment can dictate to enjoy the standard of living. But I noticed that more often than not, when I cut around chaotically like the proverbial chicken with its head, is if you do not practice one day my morning ritualCentering and meditation.

As my friend and I were both sharing in the middle of our training, I do not what would happen to me sense, so that our finished talking about the last holiday. He shared his experience of going to church on Christmas Eve, and after he moved to another machine in the gym, I found myself reflecting on our conversation. I was surprised when, during his visit to the church, he had been instructed by the priest on duty to his neighbor and says, "Peace be withwith you. "As a non-practicing Jew, a Christian service or who have been there twice, I've always enjoyed this part of the service, but now I find myself looking at the meaning of that phrase.

Even if it means I know, "I hope you find peace," I came to believe that "peace be with you", that is a bit 'misleading. And when I typed "Peace be with you", I found out, as my word processing program offered as an alternative: "Peace be with you." This is for memost accurate and appropriate to tell someone, because it suggests that peace is within each of us and we all have the ability to access it, if we choose. Maybe sometimes computers do know more than men, after all.

It 's easy to let fear and chaos that can come with the current global state of things, of being caught. Our economy is terrible. People are still killing each other in the name of oil and on behalf of their chosen gods. Peace is indeedsomething that we think we can concentrate on the cities of the hill on which we live in Los Angeles, or 30 floors of the building we live in Times Square?

If we have peace, as if to prove a future external experience of something or someone other than us will be made available to continue, it will not. The truth is that peace a reality that is in you. Just like love, joy, peace and grace can not be created or destroyed. It 's easyit is not.

The experience of inner peace is a choice that we can do. For example, peace is as simple as disengagement from the inner experience of fear and chaos that is when I check the balance on my savings account for me the choice. Instead of fear, give me permission to focus on the fact that focus in that moment more than met my needs. It can be as simple as the choice on my breathing, focus and not the person who just broke me in traffic. I decided to seesaid in my last corporate position at the end of 2007, as a gift of the spirit tells me that it was time to stop wallowing in my Coaching / part-time business seminar because I had to do for years, and finally, a commitment to full-time to a coaching career. And a few years ago, when my brothers and I had to remove her mother from life health battlefield after a pillar that kept her breathing, I have chosen peace. I left the hospital room to the chapel, where I thought, it is still a fewMoments of silence and stillness. It was at this peace is a very clear message came from the Spirit told me to go to his room because its passage was imminent. I, and in a very short time she made her peaceful transition.

Albert Camus once wrote: "In the depths of winter I finally learned that within me invincible summer." I think this feeling best describes the idea that we all have the ability to deal with us, you will find the peace we seek from normallyExternal influences. As you move through the days this winter and the following days, let us all remember to keep celebrating the summer, the life within us.

In thee peace.

the training day thehouse-ofnight

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