Because cyber criminals use adware to millions of locations

There are not many of us who have a life without fighting adware of any kind from any other part of one or more points in our line that we all know., Adware, for its ability to drive us crazy, computers slow pitch d ' man, and generally destroying our ability to enjoy our web. But what's in it for the cyber-villain?

To understand how to make the online experience Adware malware distributors million €, it is important to understand, in principle, the basic concepts ofAdvertisement.

Providers and webmasters who want to advertise their products are usually a load of three ways:

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) - In this form of advertising, a lot of traders are charged when someone clicks on your ad. This method has been developed by the Google AdWords program, which is something between a customer charges a few cents for a few dollars each time an ad is clicked popularlized.
Commission - in this form of advertising is advertising for displayfree, but the reference site takes a commission on each sale to the merchant's site there is.
Cost per thousand (CPM) - In this form of advertising, the merchant pays money for every thousand visitors, to see their ads. In this form of advertising, these numbers are: First look at hundreds of thousands of people to follow the point.

It was done in the past the advertising model that adware distributors use the profits from PCs infected with unwanted adware.If you have ever thought, "Who the hell can click on those ads anyway," as you near the bottom of another pop-up, has already missed the point: The dealer has already gained a few cents on the announcement .

Another sneaky way that developers of adware to show ads every day, giving your home page with a similar, but commercially supported alternative. Let's say you have Google as my homepage. Your PC is infected with adware. Suddenly your home pageChanges ... It 's still a Google page, but this time a group of ads running on the side of the page. Because you can do even what to do (the Web), please contact the listings. Of course, every time you put your home page for developers rubbing their hands with joy, looking at the ad revenue to plunge

Although the majority of online businesses that connect people who want the advertising to webmasters for advertisingThe rooms are aware, adware, and this type of fraud, there are other, less reputable businesses willing to advertise the adware found to pay for their product.

In short, even if the adware game has changed over the years, remains a real threat, and there are incentives for malware developers to continue to create increasingly sophisticated adware programs are designed to infect PCs unsustecting many as possible.


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