Spanish Folk Songs

Spain's musical heritage has much to rich musical cultures, minted from Africa and Asia. popular music of Spain is more individualistic in nature and contains mostly dance rhythmic movements. When the Moors invaded Spain in the eighth century, they brought their Eastern culture, the long lasting effects on all forms of art on the left. But Spain is not perfectly imitate the nuances of the composer explores music taste and it was left to the peopleand glorify the spirit of protecting local music.

While efforts are ripe for the presentation of nationalistic spirit and ideals, there is still a long way to go. Spain's geographical position has been an important factor in their folk roots. While most of Spain is very mountainous and remote areas, poor farmers were not influenced by the outside world's largest, in a way that preserved their traditions. In northern Spain's folk songs are full of flowers and nature complex andhave been touched by the civilized world.

Spain traditions have come from different regions and folk musicians sing and produce lyrical content that speaks of social, economic and political region. This movement is similar to events which are in Latin America and Portugal. The most popular Spanish songs are born not only abandoned mountainous island, but they are wild and eccentric, deliberately out of tune appear at irregular intervals. L 'Intonation and rhythm is standardized at the end of each phase, which is a common feature among the Spanish folk songs. A popular folk song familiar to most Spaniards "Pinks", whose lyrics are funny and heroic character.

In the province of Granada in Spain, Andalusia is known for his flamenco music known. Flamenco is the song (cante), dancing (baile) and guitar (guitarra). The origins of flamenco-influenced folk style not seen treated as a sourcehow Egypt, Pakistan and India. Singer-songwriters like Javier Ruibal and Carlos Cano have emerged from a series of lines of rejuvenating the region, an ancient traditional form of music.

The region of Aragon has spread guitarra, a small guitar and other Jota instruments like the castanets, the bagpipes, the Tabor chifle or whistle, flute and tambourine. The city of Valencia has a comma-shaped. Asturias has blossomed known Spanish artists such as JoséAngel Hevia and Llan de cubel band. The people of the Basque Country have their own versions of popular music as trikitixa, especially the accordion and tambourine known.


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