Install the new country's first refinery

Building a new refinery in Lagos is a project of Public Private Partnership. This project was initiated to solve the perpetual problem of lack of by-products of natural resources in Nigeria, while Nigeria has abundant natural resources, but little used. Make the realization of this project, many officials and businessmen on flights to Lagos for their participation in this introduction. public could easily get to this project, but the private sector was alsoonly to improve the capacity utilization of the private sector. If we on the other side of the photo you see come to know the involvement of the private sector a more efficient provision of services. This is the first new refinery in Nigeria in the last 20 years established. He brought a number of new businesses and growth opportunities exist. An increase in cheap flights to Lagos was observed after the start of this project, particularlywith business travelers.

The idea of installing a new refinery in the country was about two years ago, in 2008 on the State's participation in the refinery and hydrocarbon-Industrial Park as co-investor in the delegation, composed of the Group Executive Director, Engineering and Technology Directorate the NNPC has designed Mr. Billy Agha senior officials of the company and the Chinese company flying to Lagos, and took in the debate on this issue and, finally,this means complete. This idea was warmly welcomed by the villagers, the will of the State, in collaboration with the NNPC and the Chinese press in the project. This project with the goal ever for the creation of the Lekki Free Trade Zone.

After taking the foundation of this idea many business people as smart as the cheap flights to Lagos, because they knew very well that Lagos is the city with a population of 18 million is a very profitable market,its advantage is that all participants in the proposed joint refinery. It is only the first refinery in the last 20 years on life, but it is also the first industrial park developed a hydrocarbon, petroleum products and natural gas derivatives in hydrocarbon conversion would be integrated. Businessmen in search of work and take flights to Lagos from the United Kingdom and many other parts of the world in search of companies and jobs to this project because it isexpect that it would install the new refinery of 5,000 jobs for construction workers and an estimated 2,000 workers who could benefit run industrial complex.

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