What to wear, what to wear? Listening and your wardrobe - Casual Dress

As the industry headshot, what you wear to an audition and another actor walking on the changing landscape and should be revisited often an issue. But for our purposes today we'll focus on what is appropriate now. I had some phone calls this week for on-camera commercial audition. The description of the character - as always - was unclear, vague, vague. What's more, said the uniforms for characters such as "random" was found. Oh, vaguely-ty! How I hate you! So, of course, a bit 'ofa victim of fashion, some of the many questions that came to my head were:

- Casual to hang than what I wear at home?
- Casual like, what I wear on third day - whatever that means?
- Casual, as in what you might wear to casual day at work when I worked in a company?
- Casual in the Gap or J. Crew?
- Casual as in boring?

Wow! But it's really very simple. Casual, commercial auditions love to wear a dress that covers you ifHe wanted to look nice, but wanted to be comfortable. For example, I wore a cute top, the blue light was on blood pressure and a nice (remember that a good color can take you from monotonous / bleh "Hello There!") And a good pair of jeans and cool sneakers. Something that I wear on a normal day. The most important thing is to audition for a look your best. The last thing you want is displayed, as you have just returned from a long trip through Asia in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt with your baseballCap and sneakers (I give them!).

I would wear such a thing when it was described in specific, but even so, when asked to dress, to wash your hair at least! And alert (!) Do not go to the other side of the scale of absurdity and clothing, as you are in a marriage. Overall, the casting directors prefer to trade if they are easy. "Once I saw a girl in a commercial audition in a sy pajamas carrying a giant stuffed animals dressed as saying. Needless CDalmost spontaneously combusted. But it was pretty funny .. Post Script: For the ladies, never a bit 'to make anyone any harm. Especially for those hearings to the camera. Now I'm not talking about a binding agent, but make a note in the book of Nixon, who apparently put up a fuss about wearing a little ground before in front of the camera, the debate with John F. Kennedy.

His sweaty, it may appear pale, has cost the U.S. vote, which in its favor, while he was talking on the radio. But after that first roar TVsuddenly turned the vote Pro-JFK (who wear make-up done). Of course there were way more to this choice, but you get my point. For boys, clean the keys. be're not think that just "because it is a boy, no matter how you look. If, when running a job as a Wendy's or something all-American look, ready to shave that stubble and loose 9 clock that trendy bracelet if you want to pigeonhole principle as friends dirty hipster has been branded by a manufacturer if it came into forcea job with a long beard.

Needless to say he was fired! If he had shaved and combed his hair (or at least he would look away at the audition), he would have been good. I'm not saying that you fight against the type of mold in what you think of the Casting Director / Producer will be, but with a little 'common sense. You can always ask your agent before of if you think you need to clean for a particular specimen. I'm out and hug for your "kind" but it workswill cost a bit '. And the kids do not have the make-up, if you articulate a big nose or something. In this case I suggest you cover a bit 'so that producers barf.

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