Secrets of Creating Residual Income Online - Part 7

Always expect the unexpected

Part 7 of 7 in series

Your online business marketing is currently being resolved and a simple way to success and suddenly and unexpectedly, "Life happens!" Never happens as planned. Always appears as a curve ball out of nothing. But if you do not have a vision you will never find: you have to develop your clear vision of the final result - but we must expect the unexpected with great anticipation. Whywhat we do not expect is the missing ingredient in your plan. It 'just what you need to succeed. E 'fill in the missing parts of the universe. Look at the unexpected pleasure to receive a winner in the game of life is exceptional and the game of business is. Search for the unexpected as a troublesome obstacle to your success and position in the path of failure.

Recognizing the challenges

Despite his clear vision of what McDonald's wanted to see how things areKroc did not work as I wanted. They never do. It 's always the unexpected that his rear tire head "ugly". No matter how careful and strategic means life happens and it happens in a way that had not foreseen, but ways for your growth. The control does not mean that things are working perfectly, according to the plan from the beginning. But if you have a clear picture of where you go you know what to do the "obstacles" in the handleWay.

Stepping Stone to size

But there will be obstacles, and many of them. So expect the unexpected. But an "obstacle" is only your interpretation of a neutral event. From the point of view of the universe, there is a dimension of real springboard. From your point of view human, is an irritant "obstacle" to your progress. Learning to see from a broader perspective, and you are welcome any unexpected "obstacles" because they strengthen your foundationExcellence.

Before his first challenges

Kroc was the first challenge with its affiliates in California. It 'been easy franchise offices in California, but try to sell them from the underlying control of Chicago, nearly 3200 km have been impossible for her brand new organization. The operators have been hit the ropes and his own thing: the prices were out of line and was all the food on offer from the Mexican hamburger meat roast. cleaning standards do not exist.

LABest thing that could happen

But what about the Kroc was the best thing that could happen to him because from the beginning of what could happen "if we let the system away from us" must see. He decided to stay on West Coast franchise and to concentrate their franchise closer to home where he could work the best methods to ensure that strict standards that they are respected. At the beginning of each new project, you must firstoperate as close to your base as possible in order to bed down systems and procedures.


Kroc next problem was to find out the McDonald brothers had sold a franchise to a company in his garden. Kroc had signed the contract before its national short-Licensing Frejlich the brothers had purchased a license for Illinois Cook County, the situation Kroc Center. And the agreement Frejlich Kroc prevented from creating its flagship store inhis neighborhood. Neither McDonald's nor Frejlich were ready to pass the deal and Kroc had no choice but to buy, for Frejlich. He wrote a check and asked her to wait a couple of days before I received, "Because I do not know where I'm going to take the money," he told them. Success requires confidence.

There is always a way

The first McDonald's was not open yet and already Kroc desperate for money to save his plans for the franchise. His attemptsto borrow money from failed banks. He had offered its shares to other investors, new business, he knew, but had no buyers. He has offered to sell a 50% stake in his company for $ 25,000, a share that 30 years later would be several billion dollars. No one was interested. Finally some of the money from McDonald's and got the balance collected through a personal loan.

total faith and a simple idea

It 'started with a simple idea and total faith. EIt was developed through a series of challenges such as these were not the only challenges faced Kroc. Many others followed, as they always do in business. But if you are concentrated, have a clear vision of where to go, taking control over your business with passion, what you do, and decided that "win or die" or, please do what you do: find their way for the winner, who are born to be done. And you know that every obstacle has been passed to strengthenTheir determination and the Foundation for your success. E 'is essential to achieve the knowledge that without this obstacle could not build a sustainable business: You can be rich, but rich is here today and tomorrow, while wealth is permanent and sustainable.

And what he has to believe that

And Ray Kroc built an empire of wealth and abundance. He created his own future, one of wealth and prosperity, from a simple idea from people before and neverTask in view of the unexpected. And you can, despite all the obstacles that appear in your path. They are only there to develop your character and strengthen your resolve. And 'what do you think that matters.

CHECK LIST and support system

If you have not already done so read back to the first article in this series and then makes a list of all the principles I have mentioned and then check your progress against this list every week. It 's allthe difference if you are serious in the footsteps of greatness.

And be sure to connect to a Master Mind group, such as Carbon Copy Pro For most people, online marketing, the world of business creation and wealth of all the worlds again. The only way to succeed in a new world is to learn the new language and communicate in that language. Need a community of solidarity and prosperity Pro Carbon Copy Pro or offer both the expertise and careCommunity. Best wishes on your journey.

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