Who are the Ferti Brothers?

Are you a fan of the UFC Ultimate Fighting Championships, will be called when the Brothers Ferti common family names from you. In their area of work, Frank and Lorenzo offer is not only considered as Ultimate Fighting tycoons, but they are in the ranks of the casino king Donald Trump and affiliates. In the May 2008, adorn the front cover as honorary billionaires on the Forbes magazine.

Ultimate Fighting Championship is a popular sports programbegan as a time Fight Club-venture small. people from all walks of life to pay much to see men kill each other bloody per-view pay-cable network. Started as an experiment bleeding cash, they bought UFC in 2001 for only two million dollars. With patience, over time they built the company up to fight a "Bloomberg" has become like a debit card, less food for the financial services industry. For a pay per view fight on a television channel dedicated to sports in the comfort of aBudget, folk pay as much as two hundred and fifty U.S. dollars in the "TV" subscription to access cable.

Ferti The brothers began their careers in entrepreneurship from his father, who was a marketing genius. The brothers were born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. The father moved to Las Vegas from Texas at the age of 20 years. How Ferti father was a genius in his style of corporate marketing? A wise man he was when attracting customers to spend money, to be held againcasino built "Bingo Palace" in 1976, so unimaginable that people go to work and bust your ass so hard every day. These people Ferti goodies father served on a plate was also brand new luxury cars and homes without paying the mortgage. A few years down the road, Bingo Palace has been renamed Palace Station.

These two brothers that are open are abiding business entrepreneurship is widely recognized around the world that I admirestrong because they came together with a legitimate plan for success. -Minded as brothers Frank and Lorenzo transformed an idea into a reality billion.


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