Step 3 profitable niche marketing in 5 minutes or less

Niche marketing is difficult. It 'hard when you can not find a profitable niche. It 's still more difficult when there is a niche only to realize that the market does not want to spend. In this article I will show you a technique in which you will be able to be profitable niches in 5 minutes or less on the ground and in only 3 steps.

1) general awareness.

This is the starting point. By this I mean that I am aware of the general markets. Take a look at your environment. There are niches of all signalsorder for those who have the keen eye and mind to notice them. In general, all that is talked about a potential market.

I will give some concrete examples.

After 11.09 (God bless their souls), guns, sales of firearms has gone through the roof. The Glee "phenomenon" has generated a flood of demands for goods and iTunes song downloads. The rich dad, poor dad financial literacy movement paved way for an influx of executives from home, FranchiseOpportunities, real estate investment seminars, etc.

You get the idea.

2) Market research for phrases in the current.

Now it's time to go specifically. Enter your keyword on Google to get the key to your keywords. These are the people entering specific keywords into Google search to information on the market.

You can also drill down using these keywords in Google's keyword tool to get more specific keywords.

3) GaugeProfitability.

Google in your Keyword Tool results, please look at the competitive column. Competition is a good indicator of profitability. There is competition, because there will be money for that keyword. But we do not stop, we really want to ensure viability.

Enter your keywords with a reasonable amount of competition (about half) in the search engine Google (not the tool for keywords). What you are looking for are AdWords ads (the markedSponsored links).

The presence of ads means that people pay money to advertise their websites for that keyword. Why would someone pay to maintain if he does not deserve your money? This is a great indicator that people are making money for that keyword.

So there you have it, a quick and easy way to find a profitable niche. Niche marketing is not really difficult if you know how to do marketing at the top.

the training day

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