Team Building Survival Tips - Five Steps to survive recession

There is so much written these days about the economy and its success at - Lehman Brothers, Circuit City, the "Big Three" bail-out, etc. But what about small businesses ... Companies like yours and mine? How do we carry on?

Here are some tips I give to my work as a team-building to survive the severe economic downturn:

1) Reduction of prices - a bit ': okay, sure, the conventional wisdom is that you probably never be lessTheir prices. After all, the cost of living has only increased, not down. On the other hand, we got rid of a very unique situation, customers are offered low-cost options now, at least for now. So the advice I give, to bend a bit ', serve customers, your prices to ease a bit'. The time to go back to the cycle to increase taxes ... Finally.

2) Use the down time of production (but not so manic): There are at least two tests in stressful times like these- A) to add depression and stay in bed all day, or b) fall like a madman, so that an ulcer. I myself prefer the middle way: report for work each day (not allowed in sleeping), make a list of actions that my company can help in the short and long term, and always wanted things from the list. I mean, how often do you have down time like this to create new products and services to receive your application, to know your employees, or look at the big picture? Panicdoes not help anything ... and in fact it is quite sunny with the spirit to do this is as clear thinking. So, stay calm - and keep plugging away.

3) Do some writing: If you're like me, there's never enough time to write - blog, articles, white papers, what you have. Well folks, it's time now! Writing helps you establish and build your credibility, attract visitors to your site, and especially to help you clarify your thoughts about your area of expertise. I also think it is goodto have a discipline that brings me to my next point ...

4) Find an event: for most of us small business owners, we get used to the buzz of running around, spinning plates, juggling responsibilities simultaneously - never a free minute. And somehow that feels like the business involved. In these quiet times, I find it useful, personal "projects" that make me feel like I'm some kind of progress the Institute. I'm going to the gym to lose the most, with the objective10 pounds by the end of the year. (I'll let you know how!) I try to blog every day, with the objective of preserving the HitCount up to 100 visits per day. I get up every morning and meditate. You get the idea.

5) Partner, Partner, Partner: My wife, Jen, was a study in grad school capital companies, venture to try to determine which perform best during the downtime. Not surprisingly, the greatest successes of this venture capital firms, cooperation with other companies had invested. ThisNow I try to spend at least a bit 'of time trying to reach every day, to other companies in my area, exchange ideas, team building and see how we can help each other. I'm talking too, my ideas treasure hunt with museums, major hotels and resorts and an exchange of ideas with a treasure hunt tour and cruise operators. Heck, we all try to win the same customers, why not work together and promote cooperation?

What do you do to survive the economy?

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