The fight against the dangerous process of transition college

Unlike high school, college is the embodiment of freedom. Your parents are not there, is to ensure that you wake up in the morning, do your homework and stay out of trouble. You are free, more or less as you want to study, and with only about 15 hours per week, you might think you have a lot of time. But did you know that is a great student of the general rule is mainly grown for four hours outside of class for every lesson studyHours to participate? If you want to have some 'free time, involvement in extracurricular activities is to provide leadership and also open doors in the future, as network with peers and teachers. Disadvantage alternative is simply to use the time to get into trouble. Did you know that some students have so the bar scene, having failed in their first year involved? Yeah, this happens even in straight-a student, a reminder of what they have to fail in college in the earlyPlace.

Here are some things you consider as you make your transition from school to university should do:

Select / Change Dorm roommate: If you want to live off campus, is likely to stay in a dorm with a roommate or live (single rooms are available, but are more expensive). Universities normally send a questionnaire, what you look for in a roommate, want to know if ordered, disordered, and so on, so they can find someone to get the most arewith you. Some universities have dormitories for international students, honor students, students, and single-sex dorms and also co-specialized. Talk with students and other campus dorms to find out what everyone really likes, some may have a reputation as a quiet, some are perfect for soccer players have the major of journalism and the reputation of others, according to dorm party. If you have problems with your roommate or dorm to talk to the resident assistant (RA) and ask to transferanother dorm. Please contact the College of the residential complex that one of his tasks is to assist you as needed.

good study habits: The typical student might think that "this is my time to have fun because life is boring after college." This is a myth, a good high school education can provide a lot of fun in the future if you can safely spend useful in these four years. Thus, the following study habits that will help you succeed.

A. Take notes and / or recording of the class:This will actively improve during the lesson, their conservation. If the classes you take will be able to listen to you, your teachers, while running, gym work, on buses and in other cases.

B. Avoid Facebook / SMS / Social Networking in class: multitasking, listening to a lecture while texting your friends and fun with a blog, you get distracted and strength, more if you do not study in class. Remember, yourParents do not spend more than $ 20,000 a year, so waste your time in class. Facebook has been very controversial for some college students asked to join in groups to develop the site. These students argued that their use / addiction to Facebook has been to take the time, were away from their studies and their quality as a result of this suffering. To have this happen to you - remember, the key to success is balance. However, if you can not control, it is wiser to drop itregarding your work to suffer because of your participation in this college or a social network.

C. Do your homework on time: If you had studied the French, it is easier to learn 10 words a day, or 100 words for the exam tomorrow? The answer is obvious when you complete your work and study every day, do not stay up all night preparing for an exam and is most likely a better grade.

D. seek help: Almost all teachers have registeredto take time with their students so that they can help with any questions. You can also try to teachers of universities, where they fall the various working groups, and work with your academic advisor for a class if the class is too heavy. In college, you will notice that the teachers want to help you make the most of them to succeed. If you have a difficult time with a course ready to go the extra mile, this extra work, put questions to faculty and staff to sit with them untilThe task is successfully completed. This will be an approximation to the desired degree of support.

Extracurricular Activities: The admission / Fun learning activities outside the classroom will help your mood, the network with the leaders of the future, and also make your resume. So how often newspaper journalism major who writes for the college, it is not uncommon for management, see Business majors participating club, in the context of entrepreneurship, financing / venture capital andMarketing, while the other majors join political clubs or even bizarre. For example, fraternities are a great place to develop leadership skills and be part of a very special organization, the fidelity between the surviving members of college - it's no secret that the sisters and brothers of the fraternity sorority often take on their own.

Homesick: It is not uncommon for students to lose their families, but thanks to technology we are all one step away. Free calls from your cell phone long distancephone bill (which is what it is), send e-mail and also visit them on your computer screen. To avoid homesickness, try contacting the parents at least once or twice a week. Let them know how you're doing, ask for their advice, this will not only show how it is grateful for all they have done for you, but will keep your spirits in difficult times.

Date Rape: recruit college students from all walks of life and unfortunatelyThe students are among our colleagues who do not have the good sense or not good. Cases of rape to happen, some rapists are trying to "Roof" put in your drink, sleep around you, and you should take your drink at any time (if you're old enough to drink) to protect. Others may try to get drunk, it is more likely to agree to have sex or do not have the power to resist an advance. If you're in a place where you can find to feel insecure, ask to you campus security. YouDo not risk walking back to your dorm alone, if not open late, the door to strangers. Do not abuse alcohol - remember to take care of yourself and if you have not in your best interest, it is easy to fall into traps, where others may benefit. If you are a victim of rape, immediately call the police and not showering, because eliminating the crucial test.

The use of illicit drugs: movies like Animal House to show a world in which the use of illegal drugs, but notConsequences, is not the case. The schools are becoming increasingly strict on drugs, some even selling not just drugs, but the drug's roommate, if you know about it and do not report. In some cases only with the paraphernalia of drug you get sold, so in addition to the usual dangers of drugs, always at the university can have devastating consequences for the future have led. Recruiters are now very carefully tested for drugs. Many tests of hair,can carry a story of two years in some cases. Any trace of illegal drugs as a factor in hiring for work after their studies. Do not be a bad decision Mark your future, it is certainly worth trying a few things in life - the drug is one of them.

Spring Break: Why 18 is the legal drinking age in Mexico and drugs are common and easy to find a lot of young students, the holiday break there in the spring. But that's not all fun andGames in Mexico, people can and are arrested and if it happens before a jurisdiction where they are proven guilty before innocent.

Psychological problems: depression, eating disorders may be the college experience more problems than bringing a full year of The Tyra Show. The good news is that almost every college has a counseling center with psychologists trained at no cost to you, you can help your life back on track and prevent a small problem to a greatone of the academic world and ruin your life.

Do not try to do everything, "handyman, master of none" applies to students who are learning about everything, but specialize in nothing. What good is a degree of communication when you can barely work a camera, just write a script, write short film directed / TV show and almost an object? Smart students do their best to find your passion and control. This will not only help you find a good job right after college, but it could saveyou learn to attend a college, what you do not learn in school.

Do not cheat: By hiring a student to write their essays in fraud examinations, some students messing with their college education to get better grades. If you get this could be put on probation or expelled. If you do not get caught, you could end up questioning your ability, you know why you're a cheater, and if you have a conscience, are added. Universityvery strict with plagiarism and teachers need to consider all the work for originality. The code of honor in most universities is extremely stiff - universities can be a principle of trust, but if you ever find that you cheated, you will not be forgiven. Not worth the risk to test the system and try to cheat. Remaining faithful to your job, do your best and honest effort that will take you far.

Finally, the study time wisely, avoid drugs and alcohol, remember that theAttend and participate in activities can impact in many years to come. Estimate your academics, as a high GPA can help you land the best internship and one day, work more lucrative. Strive for the best, with vision and heart, and you will truly enjoy the best years of your life!

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