What's in a name? Everything from Xe

As you probably just heard Blackwater Worldwide announced last week that changing the name of their holding X, pronounced "Zee". It seems that even Blackwater, President Obama call for change that can be believed to be recognized

It 'very difficult to challenge this decision, because, as Xe spokeswoman Anne Tyrrell confirmed the facts related to the company in Iraq were quick with everything the same companyhas done, and this is not only an accurate representation of the entire organization.

There are two parts to this decision. First, it was necessary to make changes in the first place? Secondly, it will work? In general, rebranding exercises have a mixed history with as many failures as success. This is a thorny issue for the name of the company, its image, change its brand, in fact his whole personality. But given the alternatives, there really is. And 'certainly worth a try.

L 'cruel irony to be that Blackwater is the only private security company in the world that has been recognized by a household word, I am. I mean just try and ask someone who does not follow our industry and ask them if the CRG, URG, EODT, SOC-SMG, MVM, etc, etc, etc one has to see how many you can not name recognition and therefore the tax question, "Have you heard of Blackwater?" It is an interesting exercise and is not unlike professional marketing andPR firms to conduct testing in focus groups when the issues of branding.

Think what it means. Financially, this kind of fame is unpredictable. Consider other brands that have spent decades and millions and millions of dollars to achieve the same level of recognition. Companies like Nike, Reebok, Avis, Hertz, Coca-Cola, Pepsi are examples of brands that offer immediate word recognition, as they are and what to sell.

But inWhen Blackwater was this association over time, equivalent to an image that is almost entirely negative for 95% of the general population. This business is unknown, the average guy-on-the-street "OK", and some argue, is preferable. Perhaps the best thing to do is know the name, but evoke a neutral reaction. But involves almost exclusively with negativity only bad for the economy. So to answer the first question, a change like this is justified? WithoutQuestion the answer must be yes.

Will it work? This is difficult to answer because it depends on many factors. All types of companies rebrand themselves or their products if they feel they are losing market share and have a new enthusiasm to create the market. But as indicated this is a game of chance.

Rebranding sounds simple, but customers and the public are fickle. A change means re-branding, but just changing the packaging is not sufficient in meeting consumers'for "real change". The customers of consumer products for physical improvements in the product look like better taste, appealing aroma, to improve durability, convenient features, the use or performance. In a service such as security or training, it is not immediately tangible. Changing stationery, business cards, website and corporate colors can earn some initial attention of the market, but if the customer does not see or feel or believe that, ultimately, "real change" hasoccurred or that do not embrace the new image of society behind.

There is an old saying in reference to the decision-making. Often it is not the first one, the company ensures the success or failure of A. It 'usually all decisions and actions smaller after the fact, which may block or cause the destruction happened adopted.

There are some obvious exceptions to this rule, as the initial decision to jump from a tall building without the aid of a parachute or fishing equipment.This decision would be poor and can not be recovered, no matter how many other decisions are made on the way to Earth. But let's ...

The point is that this work is going to have to adjust to X and to change their commitment. Which is basically to be fully operational and not the creation of a bad press to make his own. At the same time they need to involve the media on other aspects of their business. For example, President Gary Jacksonindicated that the contracts do not follow close active protection as before. Instead they focus on their products and services, training and other aspects of their portfolio.

Fair enough, so that most of these cities education operations, state and federal law enforcement personnel should not be a reason why some aspects of this business are not disclosed to the public in general to keep or spend more money fees for its facilities, a policeStep ahead of fraudsters. Even if they go to continue their anti-piracy efforts primarily in the Gulf of Aden, then they should clarify how it is working in concert with naval forces and shipping carriers for part of the solution. In other words, the next 10 news you hear more about how to Xe on a positive note. If tomorrow we open the documents and the parties have mistakenly Xe sunk a ship on the coast of Yemen, killing all on board ... is wellnot too good for the company.

There are countless small decisions and actions to be carried out in the coming months. The sum of all these decisions and actions to determine whether this new designation is ultimately a success. So, like any other business must find the right kind of contracts, staff with the right people, their projects and do a good job. If they can do this, then they will have a long and fruitful. If they continueThe margins of surgery that will continue to make headlines and the public will not embrace the name, or Xe, the company behind.

It 'clear that a change of its name bought by Xe even a little time and get in the eyes of many people another chance. But the ability to take advantage of this opportunity is located in Moyock, not in the media, the blogosphere.

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